You can only get pregnant if you have had unprotected sex within a few days of each cycle leading to and including the day of ovulation, so if you are trying to have a baby, a proper understanding of your menstrual cycle will help. Can I get pregnant any time of the month?
What is ovulation?
Ovulation is the name of a process that usually occurs once in each menstrual cycle, when hormonal changes trigger the release of the egg from the ovary. In this article, we look at this process and explain how you can use your knowledge to help you get pregnant.
How long does it take to get pregnant?
When the couple starts trying for a child, they expect and want pregnancy to come quickly. More than half of women expect to become pregnant in six months, and younger women expect it to happen even faster. However, in studies conducted on over 1,400 women who planned their last pregnancy, 30–44% found that it took longer than expected.
A common and easily correctable factor is choosing the wrong time to have sex. Even half of couples can apply to conceive at the wrong time because they do not know when their most fertile days occur.

What is the difference between fertile and infertile days?
It would seem that since one day is defined in this way and the other in a different way, the situation is clear: at certain stages of the menstrual cycle you can become pregnant, in others, e.g. during infertile days, you cannot get pregnant .
The reality, however, is slightly different from the theory and really, although the chances of getting pregnant during infertile days are small, but on infertile days fertilization can occur.
Why is it like that?
Female fertility depends primarily on the phenomenon known as ovulation. This term means the release of an egg from the follicle that is ready to connect to the sperm, resulting in fertilization.
Why can you get pregnant on infertile days?
However, you can also become pregnant during infertile days. How is this possible?
First of all, sperm viability, which we wrote about, is a mediocrity and generalization. There are situations where male reproductive cells may have the ability to survive longer in the female body.
In this case, a woman can have sex during infertile days, and get pregnant anyway – sperm can simply “wait” for an egg and when it comes in contact with her, lead to fertilization and pregnancy.
Pregnancy after discontinuation of contraception
The main thing is to realize that the body needs some time to return to its natural rhythm, if a woman has previously used hormonal contraceptives. It is worth giving it to him, observe the menstrual cycle and use such methods of contraception as condoms or spermicidal foams during this period. It should also be remembered that fertility is also influenced by factors other than contraceptives, such as the age of the woman or the disease she may suffer from. After you stop taking the tablets, it’s good to start supplementing with folic acid, stop smoking, reduce alcohol, and eat properly.